A common feature of democracies the world over is periodic elections involving the citizens of a country. Nigeria has had a number of elections from pre to post-colonial eras. Negative fallouts of elections in Nigeria include rejected votes and low turnout of voters. It is established by election observers and report of elections that the rate of voter turnout during elections is abysmally low. The source of these negative fallouts can be directly and indirectly attributed to inadequate civic and voter education. This paper looked at how political participation is influenced by voter education and how Adult Education can be used to boost political participation. The low level of political participation is linked to the neglect and non-usage of adult and non-formal education strategies in national issues. Using secondary sources of books, journals and internet sources, the author proposes a renewed agenda for adult education with particular emphasis on voter education to enhance political participation. The author recommended that massive efforts should be made to deploy Adult Education to increase voter education and political participation. This is based on the fact that the role of adult Education in national development is multi-dimensional, dynamic and pervasive.