Article Details

Effect Of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on Self-Esteem and Aggression among In-School Adolescents With Hearing Impairment


This study investigated the impact of cognitive behaviour therapy on the management of self-esteem and aggression among adolescents with hearing impairment in inclusive schools in Lagos State. Pre and post-tests control quasi experimental research design was employed. 32 adolescents with hearing impairment who demonstrated aggression and low self-esteem purposively participated in the study. Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, the Aggression Scale by Orphina and Frankoski and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Rating Scale with reliability of 0.68, 0.72 and 0.66 respectively were used for screening, pre and post-test data collection. The treatment lasted eight weeks. Data collected were analysed using mean, standard deviation, mean difference and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). Results revealed difference in the self-esteem of participant exposed to cognitive behaviour therapy and control group, no difference in the aggression of participants as a result of exposing them to cognitive behaviour therapy and control group; no gender difference in the self-esteem of participants exposed to cognitive behaviour therapy and control group and no gender difference in the aggression of participants exposed to cognitive therapy and control group. Psychologists, Counsellors, Special educators and Social workers are admonished to watch out for some predisposing conditions that may trigger aggression for immediate and adequate intervention.